wevalue is a web-based solution for the valuation of companies, combining science, practice and technology in a unique tool. The basis is formed by the partners’ research projects and their professional experience in the fields of business valuation, corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), fiduciary services and auditing. wevalue AG is a spin-off of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). Our practical, web-based solution is based on the current state of research. It implements the EXPERTsuisse technical bulletin “Business Valuation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)”.

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Fabian Schmid

CEO, Founder

"Evaluating companies in a future-oriented way using modern methods while not losing sight of the unique qualities of an SME is a challenging but feasible task."

Fabian Schmid holds a doctorate in economics (Dr. rer. pol.), and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA). He has many years of experience in consulting, valuing and supporting companies. He is a lecturer in corporate finance and his dissertation dealt with the question of how the cost of capital can also be derived systematically and market-based for SMEs. He regularly publishes and lectures on valuation topics.

Daniel Höchle

CTO, Founder

"Even Mark Twain knew forecasts are difficult, especially when they concern the future. When valuing companies, you have to look systematically at the future potential of a business, and that's what makes this discipline so appealing to me."

As a former portfolio manager and quantitative (hedge fund) analyst, Daniel Höchle has many years of experience in financial-economic modelling and the valuation of companies for asset management purposes. As a PhD and professor of Banking & Finance (Prof. Dr. rer. pol.) he publishes his academic research in leading journals.

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Tobias Hüttche

CBDO, Founder

"They say that business valuation is more like art than like science. But even art needs skill and good tools."

Tobias Hüttche is a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) with over 25 years of experience in consulting, valuation and auditing of companies. He is a professor of auditing and trusteeship (Prof. Dr. rer. pol.) and is a co-author of the commentary on the EXPERTsuisse technical bulletin "Business Valuation of SMEs". He regularly publishes in both specialty journals and standard textbooks.

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